Welcome to the family Miss Ellie! I have a new niece! Yay! Your big sis, Cozy, is VERY excited about being a big sister. “This is my new baby, and she lives in my house.”
Mom wanted this mauve pink and grey combo, and I’m loving it! Ellie was such a good little sleeper during our session.
These photos were taken in my studio in Rocklin.
I asked Cozy to give me her serious face. It was only like this for half a second, but I was glad to catch it. 🙂 She has fantastic eyes!!!
One of the best things about Cassie and Paul having another baby is my total confidence that this baby will be loved and cared for. These two kiddos really lucked out in the parent department!
My family is pretty good looking. 😉
Love me some baby toes!
Congratulations to Cassie and their family! I’m so excited to be an aunt again. 🙂
I hope you’ve enjoyed Cassie’s Newborn Photos. If you are ready to book your newborn session, please email me at lullabiesandlacephotography@gmail.com
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