Lupine Pictures with My Kids- Rocklin Child Photography


May 25, 2017


A lot of the time I get really busy with clients and I forget that I started this photography journey so that I could take pictures of MY kids.  Then I get in my perfection mode and decide that I can’t take pictures of my kids unless we have the perfect outfits and the perfect set up and they’re in really good moods. Then I get an email from Jenika over at Psychology for Photographers encouraging us to do a photo session just for us.  Then my assistant calls and says she’s available that night, and there are these REALLY pretty purple flowers that I think are Lupines in this field by the park that I drive by every day and I’m worried they’ll die soon.  So, I decide that we’re going to do this kid photo shoot THAT night.

Then I remember that my daughter has a large annoying temporary tattoo on her arm.  Then something comes up and my assistant can’t come.  Logan’s pants are too small.  Roadblock.  Roadblock.  Roadblock.  I would have given up, but I decided to push through for a few reasons.  #1.  I’m really good at Photoshop, so that temporary tattoo’s got nothing on me!  #2.  The flowers will die and the kids will grow.  #3. Even if I don’t get any pictures, we’ll have a fun evening.

So, I called one of our babysitters who was miraculously free and able to meet us at the park.  (Thank you Julianne!  My kids LOVE you!)  It was quick!  Getting out of the car to back at the car was a total of 25 minutes.  We had a TON of fun! (After we got the skinned knees over with in the first minute!  Again, I was thankful that I’m really good at Photoshop.)  And I am happy that we got a lot of great pictures.  The flowers did die two weeks later.

Arise and SEIZE THE DAY!

And, do you want to hear the cutest part of the story!?!  My son LOVES suspenders!  He LOVES this hat!  The girls always seem to get most of the attention on these photo shoots because they ham it up and are in super cute dresses and have their hair done.  (Well, mostly. My youngest won’t really keep anything in her hair.) BUT, this time, my son was the one super excited about his outfit.  My son was the one hamming it up and playing around for the camera.  He really came out of his shell.  I’m SO grateful we didn’t miss this!

If you’re ready to book a family or kids session with me, send me an email at

Here’s their video:

Have a great week!!


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